Shit Gary Says

...things I don't want to forget

Who Abstracted My Ruby?

Previously, on Lost, I said a lot of words about Puppet Types; you should totally check it out. In this second installment, you’re going to find out how to actually throw pure Ruby at Puppet in a way that makes you feel accomplished. And useful. And elitist. Well, possibly just elitist. Either way, read on – there’s much thought-leadership to be done…

In the last post, we learned that Types will essentially dictate the attributes that you’ll be passing in your resource declaration using the DSL. In the simplest and crudest explanation I could muster, types model how your declaration will look in the manifest. Providers are where the actual IMPLEMENTATION happens. If you’ve ever wondered how this:

package { 'httpd':
  ensure => installed,

eventually gets turned into this:

yum install -e 0 -d 0 -y httpd

your answer would be “It’s in the provider file”.

Dirty black magic

I’ve seen people do the craziest shit imaginable in the Puppet DSL simply because they’re:

  • Unsure how types and providers work
  • Afraid of Ruby
  • Confused by error messages
  • Afraid to ask for help

Sometimes you have a problem that can only be solved by interacting with data that’s returned by a binary (using some binary to get a value, and then using that binary to set a value, and so on…). I see people writing defined resource types with a SHIT TON of exec statements and conditional logic to model this data when a type and provider would not only BETTER model the problem but would also be shareable and re-useable by other folk. The issue is that while the DSL is REALLY easy to get started with, types and providers still feel like dirty black magic.

The reason is because they’re dirty black magic.

Hopefully, I can help get you over the hump and onto a working implementation. Let’s take a problem I had last week:

Do this if that, and then be done

I was working with a group who wanted to set a list of domains that would bypass their web proxy for a specific network interface on an OS X workstation. It sounds so simple, because it was. Due to the amount of time I had on-site, I wrote a class with some nasty exec statements, a couple of facts, and some conditional logic because that’s what you do when you’re in a hurry…but it doesn’t make it right. When I left, I hacked up a type and provider, and it’s a GREAT example because you probably have a similar problem. Let’s look at the information we have:

The list of network interfaces:

└▷ networksetup -listallnetworkservices
An asterisk (*) denotes that a network service is disabled.
Bluetooth DUN
Display Ethernet
iPhone USB
Bluetooth PAN

Getting the list of bypass domains for an interface:

└▷ networksetup -getproxybypassdomains Ethernet

The message displayed when no domains are set for an interface:

└▷ networksetup -getproxybypassdomains FireWire
There aren't any bypass domains set on FireWire.

Setting the list of bypass domains for an interface:

└▷ networksetup -setproxybypassdomains Ethernet '*' '' ''

Perfect – all of that is done with a single binary, and it’s pretty straightforward. Let’s look at the type I ended up creating for this problem:

Puppet::Type.newtype(:mac_proxy_bypassdomains) do
  desc "Puppet type that models bypass domains for a network interface on OS X"


  newparam(:name, :namevar => true) do
    desc "Interface name - currently must be 'friendly' name (e.g. Ethernet)"

  newproperty(:domains, :array_matching => :all) do
    desc "Domains which should bypass the proxy"
    def insync?(is)
      is.sort == should.sort

The type uses a namevar parameter called ‘name’, which is the name of the network interface. This means that we can set one list of bypass domains for every network interface. There’s a single property, ‘domains’ that accepts an array of domains that should bypass the proxy for the network interface. I’ve overridden the insync? method for the domains property to sort the array values on both ends – this means that the ORDER of the domains doesn’t matter, I only care that the domains specified exist on the system. Finally, the type is ensurable (which means that we can create a list of domains and remove/destroy the list of domains for a network interface).

Setup the provider

Okay, so we’ve defined the problem, seen how to interact with the system to get us the data that we need, setup a type to model the data, and now the last thing left to do is to wire up the provider to make the binary calls we need and return the data we want.

Typos are not your friend.

The first thing you will encounter is “Puppet’s predictable naming pattern” that is used by the Puppet autoloader. Typos are not fun, and omitting a single letter in either the filename or the provider name will render your provider (emotionally) unavailable to Puppet. Our type is called ‘mac_proxy_bypassdomains’, as types are generally named along the lines of ‘what does this data model?’ The provider name is generally the name of the underlying technology that’s doing the modeling. For the package type, the providers are named after the package management systems (e.g. yum, apt, pacman, zypper, pip), for the file type, the providers are loosely named for the operatingsystem kernel type on which files are to be created (e.g. windows, posix). In our example, I simply chose to name the provider ‘ruby’ because, as a Puppet Labs employee, I TOO suck at naming things.

Here’s a tree of my module to understand how the type and provider files are to be laid out:

Module tree
├── Modulefile
├── README.markdown
└── lib
    └── puppet
        ├── provider
        │   ├── mac_proxy_bypassdomains
        │   │   └── ruby.rb
        └── type
            └── mac_proxy_bypassdomains.rb

As you can see from above, the name of both the type and provider must EXACTLY match the filename of their corresponding files. Also, the provider file lives in a directory named after the type. There are MANY things that can be typoed here (filenames, foldernames, type/provider names in their files), so be absolutely sure that you’ve named your files correctly.

The reason for all this naming bullshit is because of the way Puppet syncs down plugin files (coincidentally, with a process known as Pluginsync). Everything in the lib directory in a Puppet module is going to get synced down to your nodes inside the vardir directory on the node itself. The vardir is a known library path to Puppet, and all files in the vardir are treated as if they had lived in Puppet’s source code (in the same relative paths). Because the Puppet source code has all type files in the lib/puppet/type directory, all CUSTOM types must go in the module’s lib/puppet/type directory for confirmity. This is repeated for EVERY custom Puppet/Facter plugin (including custom facts, custom functions, and etc…).

More scaffolding

Let’s layout the shell of our provider, first, to ensure that we haven’t typoed anything. Here’s the provider declaration:

Puppet::Type.type(:mac_proxy_bypassdomains).provide(:ruby) do
  # Provider work goes here

Note that the name of the type and the name of the provider are symbolized (i.e. they’re prepended with a colon). Like I mentioned above, they must be spelled EXACT or Puppet will complain very loudly. You may see variants on that declaration line because there are multiple ways in Ruby to extend a class object. The method I’ve listed above is the ‘generally accepted best-practice’, which is to say it’s the way we’re doing it this month.

Congrats! You have THE SHELL of a provider that has yet to do a single goddamn thing! Technically, you’re further than about 90% of other Puppet users at this point! Let’s go the additional 20% (since we’re basing this on a mangement metric of 110%) by wiring up the methods and making the damn thing work!

Are you (en)sure about this?

We’ve explained before that a type is ‘ensurable’ when you can check for its existance on a system, create it when it doesn’t exist (and it SHOULD exist), and destroy it when it does exist (and it SHOULDN’T exist). The bare minimum amount of methods necessary to make a type ensurable is three, and they’re called exists?, create, and destroy.

Method: exists?

The exists? method is a predicate method – that means it should either return the boolean true or false value based on whether the bypass domain list exists. Puppet will always call the exists? provider method to determine if that ‘thing’ (in this case, ‘thing’ means ‘a list of domains to bypass for a specific network interface’) exists before calling any other methods. How do we know if this thing exists? Like I showed before, you need to run the networksetup -getproxybypassdomains command and pass the interface name. If it returns ‘There aren’t any bypass domains set on (interface name)’, then the list doesn’t exist. Let’s do some binary execution…

Calling binaries from Puppet

Puppet provides some helper syntax around basic actions that most providers perform. MOST providers are going to need to call out to an external binary (e.g. yum, apt, etc…) at some point, and so Puppet allows you to create your own method JUST for a system binary. The commands method abstracts all the dirtyness of making a method for each system binary you want to call. The way you use the commands method is like so:

commands :networksetup => 'networksetup'

The commands method accepts a hash whose key must be a symbolized name. The CONVENTION is to use a symbolized name that matches the binary name, but it’s not REQUIRED to do so. The value for that symbolized key MUST be the binary name. Note that I’ve not passed a full path to the binary. Why? Well, Puppet will automatically do a path lookup for that binary and store its full path for use when the binary is invoked. We don’t REQUIRE you to pass the full path because sometimes the same binary exists in different locations for different operatingsystems. Instead of creating a provider for each OS you manage with Puppet, we abstract away the path stuff. You CAN still pass a full path as a value, but if you elect to do that an the binary doesn’t exist at that path, Puppet will disqualify the provider and you’ll be quite upset.

In the event that Puppet CANNOT find this binary, it will disqualify the entire provider, and you’ll get a message saying as much in the debug output of your Puppet run. Because of that, the commands method is a good way to confine your provider to a specific system or class of system.

When the commands method is successfully invoked, you will get a new provider method named after the SYMBOLIZED key, and not necessarily the binary name (unless you made them the same). After the above command is evaluated, Puppet will now have a networksetup() method in our provider. The argument to the networksetup method should be an array of arguments that are passed to the binary. It’s c-style, so each element is going to be individually quoted. You can run into issues here if you pass values containing quotes as part of your argument array. Read that again – quoting your values is totally acceptable (e.g. [‘foo’, ‘bar’]), but passing a value that contains quotes can potentially cause problems (e.g. [“‘foo’”, “‘bar’”]).

You’re probably thinking “Why the hell would I go through this trouble when I can use the %x{} syntax in ruby to execute a shell command?!” And to that I would say “Quit yelling at me” and also “Because: testing.” When you write spec tests for your provider (which will be covered in a later blog post, since it’s its OWN path of WTF), you’re going to need to mock out calls to the system during your tests (i.e. sometimes you may be running the tests on a system that doesn’t have the binary you’re meant to be calling in your provider. You don’t want the tests to fail due to the absence of a binary file). The %x{} construct in Ruby is hard to mock out, but a method of our provider is a relatively easy thing to mock out. Also – see the path problem above. We don’t STOP you from doing %x{} in your code (it will still totally work), but we give you a couple of good reasons to NOT do it.

Objects are a provider’s best friend

Within your provider, you’re going to be doing lots of system calls and data manipulation. Often we’re asked whether you do that ugliness inside the main methods (i.e. inside the exists? method directly), or if you create a helper method for some of this data manipulation. The answer I usually give is that you should probably create a helper method if:

  • The code is going to be called more than once
  • The code does something that would be tricky to test (like reading from a file)
  • Complexity would be reduced by creating a helper method

The act of getting a list of domains for a specific interface is definitely going to be utilized in more than one place in our provider (we’ll use it in the exists? method as well as in a ‘getter’ method for the domains property). Also, you could argue that it might be tricky to test since it’s going to be a binary call that’s going to return some data. Because of this, let’s create a helper method that returns a list of domains for a specific interface:

def get_proxy_bypass_domains(int)
    output = networksetup(['-getproxybypassdomains', int])
  rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => e
    Puppet.debug("#get_proxy_bypass_domains had an error -> #{e.inspect}")
    return nil
  domains = output.split("\n").sort
  return nil if domains.first =~ /There aren\'t any bypass domains set/

Ruby convention is to use underscores (i.e. versus camelCase or hyphens) in method names. You want to give your methods very descriptive names based on what it is that they DO. In this case, get_proxy_bypass_domains seems adequately descriptive. Also, you should err on the side of readability when you’re writing code. You can get pretty creative with Ruby metaprogramming, but that can quickly become hard to follow (and then you’re just a dick). Finally, error-handling is a good thing. If you’re going to do any error-handling, though, be very specific about the errors you catch/rescue. When you have a rescue block, make sure you catch a specific exception class (in the case above, we’re catching a Puppet::ExecutionFailure – which means the binary is returning a non-zero exit code).

The code above will return an array containing all the domains, or it will return nil if domains aren’t found or the networksetup binary had an issue.

Using the helper method above, here’s what the final exists? method looks like:

def exists?
  get_proxy_bypass_domains(resource[:name]) != nil

All provider methods have the ability to access the ‘should’ values for the resource (and by that I mean the values that are set in the Puppet maniest on the Puppet master server, or locally if you’re using puppet apply). Those values reside in the resource method that responds with a hash. In the code above, resource[:name] will return the network interface name (e.g. Ethernet, FireWire, etc…) that was specified in the Puppet manifest. The exists method will return true of a list of domains exists for an interface, or it will return false if a list of domains does not exist (i.e. get_proxy_bypass_domains returns nil).

Method: create

The create method is called when exists? returns false and a resource has an ensure value set to present. Because of this, you don’t need to call the exists? method explicitly in create – it’s already been evaluated. Remember from above that the -setproxybypassdomains argument to the networksetup binary will set a domain list, so the create method is going to be very short-and-sweet:

def create
  networksetup(['-setproxybypassdomains', resource[:name], resource[:domains]])

In the end, the create method will call the networksetup binary with the -setproxybypassdomains argument, pass the interface name (from resource[:name]) and pass an array of domain values (which comes from resource[:domains]). That’s it; it’s done!

Method: destroy

The destroy method is easier than the create method:

def destroy
  networksetup(['-setproxybypassdomains', nil])

Here, we’re calling networksetup with the -setproxybypassdomains argument and passing nothing else. This will initialize the list and set it to be empty.

Synchronizing properties

Getter method: domains

At this point our type is ensurable, which means we can create and destroy resources. What we CAN’T do, however, is change the value of any properties that are out-of-sync. A property is out-of-sync when the value discovered by Puppet on the node differs from the value in the catalog (i.e. set by the Puppet manifest using the DSL on the Puppet master). Just like exists? is called to determine if a resource exists, Puppet needs a way to get the current value for a property on a node. The method that gets this value is called the ‘getter method’ for a property, and its name must match the name of the property. Because we have a property called domains, the provider must have a domains method that returns a value (in this case, an array of domains to be bypassed by the proxy). We’ve already written a helper method that does this work for us, so the domains getter method is pretty easy:

def domains

Tada! Just call the helper method and pass the interface name. Boom – instant array of values. The getter method will return the ‘is’ value, because that’s what the value IS (currently on the node). Get it? Anyone? The IS value is the other side of the coin to the ‘should’ value (that comes from the Puppet manifest) because that’s what the value SHOULD be set on the node.

Setter method: domains=

If the getter method (e.g. domains) returns a value that doesn’t match the value in the catalog, then Puppet changes the value on the node and sets it to the value in the catalog. It does this by calling the ‘setter’ method for the property, which is the name of the property and the equals ( = ) sign. In this case, the setter method for the domains property must be called domains=. It looks like this:

def domains=(value)
  networksetup(['-setproxybypassdomains', resource[:name], value])

Setter methods are always passed a single argument – the ‘should’ value of the property. In our example, we’re calling the networksetup binary with the -setproxybypassdomains argument, passing the name of the interface, and then passing the ‘should’ value – or the array of domains. It’s easy, it’s one line, and I love it when a plan comes together

Putting the whole damn thing together

I’ve broken down the provider line by line, but here’s the entire file:

Puppet::Type.type(:mac_proxy_bypassdomains).provide(:ruby) do
  commands :networksetup => 'networksetup'

  def get_proxy_bypass_domains(int)
      output = networksetup(['-getproxybypassdomains', int])
    rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => e
      Puppet.debug("#get_proxy_bypass_domains had an error -> #{e.inspect}")
      return nil
    domains = output.split("\n").sort
    return nil if domains.first =~ /There aren\'t any bypass domains set/

  def exists?
    get_proxy_bypass_domains(resource[:name]) != nil

  def destroy
    networksetup(['-setproxybypassdomains', nil])

  def create
    networksetup(['-setproxybypassdomains', resource[:name], resource[:domains]])

  def domains

  def domains=(value)
    networksetup(['-setproxybypassdomains', resource[:name], value])

Testing the type/provider

And that’s it, we’re done! The last thing to do is to test it out. You can test out your provider in one of two ways: the first is to add the module to the modulepath of your Puppet master and include it that way, or test it locally by setting the $RUBYLIB environmental variable to point to the lib directory of your module (which is the more preferred method since it won’t serve it out to all of your nodes without it being tested). Because this module is on my system at /users/glarizza/src/puppet-mac_proxy, here’s how my $RUBYLIB is set:

export RUBYLIB=/users/glarizza/src/puppet-mac_proxy/lib

Next, we need to create a resource declaration to try and set a couple of bypass domains. I’ll create a tests directory and simple test file in tests/mac_proxy_bypassdomains.pp:

mac_proxy_bypassdomains { 'Ethernet':
  ensure  => 'present',
  domains => ['','*',''],

Finally, let’s run Puppet and test it out:

└▷ puppet apply ~/src/puppet-mac_proxy/tests/mac_proxy_bypassdomains.pp
Notice: Compiled catalog for satori.local in environment production in 0.06 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]//Mac_proxy_bypassdomains[Ethernet]/domains: domains changed [] to ' *'
Notice: Finished catalog run in 3.47 seconds

NOTE: If you run this as a local user, you will be prompted by OS X to enter an administrative password for a change. Since Puppet will ultimately be run as root on OS X when we’re NOT testing out code, this shouldn’t be required during a normal Puppet run. To test this out (i.e. that you don’t always have to enter an admin password in a pop-up window), you’ll need to sudo -s to change to root, set the $RUBYLIB as the root user, and then run Puppet again.

And that’s it – looks like our code worked! To check and make sure it will notice a change, open System Preferences, then the Network pane, click on the Ethernet interface, then the Advanced button, then the Proxies tab, and finally note the ‘Bypass proxy settings…’ text box at the bottom of the screen (now do you see why we automate this shit?!). Make a change to the entries in there and run Puppet again – it should correct it for you

Wait…so that was it? Really? We’re done?

Yeah, that was a whole type and provider. Granted, it has only one property and it’s not too complicated, but that’s the point. We’ve still got some latent bugs (the network interface passed must be capitalized exactly like OS X expects it, we could do some better error handling, etc…), and the type doesn’t work with puppet resource (yet), but we’ll handle all of these things in the next blog post (or two…or three).

Until then, take this time to crack open a type and a provider for something that’s been pissing you off and FIX it! Better yet, push it up to Github, tweet about it, and post it up on The Forge so the rest of the community can use it!

Like always, feel free to comment, tweet me (@glarizza), email me (gary AT puppetlabs DOT com), or use the social media platform of choice to get a hold of me (Snapchats may or may not get a response. Maybe.) Cheers!
