Shit Gary Says

...things I don't want to forget

Puppet Workflows 4: Using Hiera in Anger

Hiera. That thing nobody is REALLY quite sure how to say (FYI: It’s pronounced ‘hiera’), the tool that everyone says you should be using, and the tool that will make you hate YAML syntax errors with a passion. It’s a data/code separation dream, (potentially) a debugging nightmare, and absolutely vital in creating a Puppet workflow that scales better than your company’s Wifi strategy (FYI: your company’s Wifi password just changed. Again. Because they’re not using certificates). I’ve already written a GOOD AMOUNT on why/how to use it, but now I’m going to give you a couple of edge cases. Call them “best practices” (and I’ll cut you), but I like to call it “shit I learned after using Hiera in anger.” Here are a couple of the most popular questions I hear, and my usual responses…

“How should I setup my hierarchy?”

This is such a subjective question because it’s specific to your organization (because it’s your data). I usually ask back “What are the things about your nodes that are different, and when are they different?” Usually I hear something back like “Well, nodes in this datacenter have different DNS settings” or “Application servers in production use one version of java, and those in dev use a different version” or “All machines in the dev environment in this datacenter need to have a specific repository”. All of these replies give me ideas to your hierarchy. When you think of Hiera as a giant conditional statment, you can start seeing how your hierarchy could be laid out. With the first response, we know we need a location fact to determine where a node is, and then we can have a hierarchy level for that location. The second response tells me we need a level for the application tier (i.e. dev/test/prod). The third response tells me we need a level that combines both the location and the application tier. When you add in that you should probably have a node-specific level at the top (for overrides) and a default level at the bottom (or not: see the next section), I’m starting to picture this:

  - "nodes/%{::clientcert}"
  - "%{::location}/%{::applicationtier}"
  - "%{::location}/common"
  - "tier/%{::applicationtier}"
  - common

Every time you have a need, you consider a level. Now, obviously, it doesn’t mean that you NEED a level for every request (sometimes if it’s an edge case you can handle it in the profile or the role). There’s a performance hit for every level of your Hiera hierarchy, so ideally keep it minimal (or around 5 levels or so), but we’re talking about flexibility here, and, if that’s more important than performance then you should go for it.

Next comes ordering. This one’s SLIGHTLY easier – your hierarchy should read from most-specific to least-specific. Note that when you specify an application tier at a specific location that that it is MORE specific than just saying “all nodes in this application tier.” Sometimes you will have levels that might be hard to define an order – such as location vs. application tier. You kinda just have to go with your gut here. In many cases you may find that the data you put in those two levels will be entirely different (location-based data may not ever overlap with application-tier-specific data). Do remember than any time you change the order of your hierarchy you’re going to introduce the possibility that values get flip/flopped.

If you look at level 3 of the hierarchy above, you’ll see that I have ‘common’ at the end. Some people like this syntax (where they put a ‘common’ file in a folder that matches the fact they’re checking against), and some people prefer a filename matching the fact. Do what makes you happy, but, in this case, we can unify the location folder and just put the common file underneath the application tier files.

Finally, DO MAKE USE OF FOLDERS! For the love of god, this. Putting all files in a single folder both makes that a BIG folder, but also introduces a namespace collision (i.e. what if you have a location named ‘dev’ for example? Now you have both an application tier and a location with the same name. Oops).

How you setup your hierarchy is up to you, but this should hopefully give you somewhere to start.

Common.yaml, your organization’s common values – REVISED

UPDATE – 28 October

Previously, this section was where I presented the idea of removing the lowest level of the hierarchy as a way of ensuring that you didn’t omit a value in Hiera (the idea being that common values would be in the profile, anything higher would be in Hiera, and all your ‘defaults’, or ‘common values’ would be inside the profile). The idea of removing the lowest level of the Hiera hierarchy was always something I was kicking around in my head, but R.I. made a comment below that’s made me revise my thought process. There’s still a greater concern around definitively tracking down values pulled from Hiera, but I think we can accomplish that through other means. I’m going to revise what I wrote below to point out the relevant details.

When using Hiera, you need to define a hierarchy that Hiera uses in its search for your data. Most often, it looks something like this:

  - yaml
  :datadir: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hieradata
  - "nodes/%{::clientcert}"
  - "location/%{::location}"
  - "environment/%{::applicationtier}"
  - common

Notice that little “common” at the end? That means that, failing everything else, it’s going to look in common.yaml for a value. I had thought of common as the ‘defaults’ level, but the reality is that it is a list of values common across all the nodes in your infrastructure. These are the values, SPECIFIC TO YOUR ORGANIZATION, that should be the same everywhere. Barring an override at a higher level, these values are your organization’s ‘defaults’, if you will.

Previously, you may have heard me rail against Hiera’s optional second argument and how I really don’t like it. Take this example:

$foo = hiera('port', '80')

Given this code, Hiera is going to look for a parameter called ‘port’ in its hierarchy, and, if it doesn’t find one in ANY of the levels, assign back a default value of ‘80’. I don’t like using this second argument because:

  1. If you forget to enter the ‘port’ parameter into the hierarchy, or typo it in the YAML file, Hiera will gladly assign the default value of ‘80’ (which, unless you’re checking for this, might sneak and get into production)
  2. Where is the real ‘default’ value: the value in common.yaml or the optional second argument?

It actually depends on where you do the hiera() call as to what ‘kind’ of default value this is. Note that previously we talked about how the ‘common’ level represented values common across your infrastructure. If you do this hiera() call inside a profile (which is where I recommend it be done), providing the optional second argument ends up being redundant (i.e. the value should be inside Hiera).

The moral of this story being: values common to all nodes should be in the lowest level of the Hiera hierarchy, and all explicit hiera calls should omit the default second argument if that common value is expected to be found in the hierarchy.

Data Bindings

In Puppet 3, we introduced the concept of ‘data bindings’ for parameterized classes, which meant that Puppet now had another choice for gathering parmeter values. Previously, the order Puppet would look to assign a value for parameters to classes was:

  1. A value passed to the class via the parameterized class syntax
  2. A default value provided by the class

As of Puppet 3, this is the new parameter assignment order:

  1. A value passed to the class via the parameterized class syntax
  2. A Hiera lookup for classname::parametername
  3. A default value provided by the class

Data bindings is meant to be pluggable to allow for ANY data backend, but, as of this writing, there’s currently only one: Hiera. Because of this, Puppet will now automatically do a Hiera lookup for every parameter to a parameterized class that isn’t explicitly passed a value via the parameterized class syntax (which means that if you just do include classname, Puppet will do a Hiera lookup for EVERY parameter defined to the “classname” class).

This is really cool because it means that you can just add classname::parametername to your Hiera setup, and, as long as you’re not EXPLICITLY passing that parameter’s value to the class, Puppet will do a lookup and find the value.

It’s also completely transparent to you unless you know it’s happening.

The issue here is that this is new functionality to Puppet, and it feels like magic to me. You can make the argument and say “If you don’t start using it, Gary, people will never take to it,” however I feel like this kind of magical lookup in the background is always going to be a bad thing.

There’s also another problem. Consider a Hiera hierarchy that has 15 levels (they exist, TRUST ME). What happens if you don’t define ANY parameters in Hiera in the form of classname::parametername and simply want to rely on the default values for every class? Well, it means that Hiera is STILL going to be triggered for every parameter to a class that isn’t explicitly passed a value. That’s a hell of a performance hit. Fortunately, there’s a way to disable this lookup. Simply add the following to the Puppet master’s puppet.conf file:

data_binding_terminus = none

It’s going to be up to how your team needs to work as to whether you use Hiera data bindings or not. If you have a savvy team that feels they can debug these lookups, then cool – use the hell out of it. I prefer to err on the side of an explicit hiera() lookup for every value I’m querying, even if it’s a lot of extra lines of code. I prefer the visibility, especially for new members to your team. For those people with large hierarchies, you may want to weigh the performance hit. Try to disable data bindings and see if your master is more performant. If so, then explicit hiera() calls may actually buy you some rewards.


  • Adding parameters to Hiera in the style of classname::parametername will set parameterized class values automatically
  • Simplified code – simply use the include() function everywhere (which is safer than the parameterized class syntax)


  • Lookup is completely transparent unless you know what’s going on
  • Debugging parameter values can be difficult (especially with typos or forgetting to set values in Hiera)
  • Performance hit for values you want to be assigned the class default value

Where to data – Hiera or Profile?

“Does this go right into the Profile or into Hiera?” I get that question repeatedly when I’m working with customers. It’s a good question, and one of the quickest ways to blow up your YAML files in Hiera. Here’s the order I use when deciding where to put data:

WHERE did that data come from?

Remember that the profile is YOUR implementation – it describes how YOU define the implementation of a piece of technology in YOUR organization. As such, it’s less about Puppet code and more about pulling data and passing it TO the Puppet code. It’s the glue-code that grabs the data and wires it up to the model that uses it. How it grabs the data is not really a big deal, so long as it grabs the RIGHT data – right? You can choose to hardcode it into the Profile, or use Hiera, or use some other magical data lookup mechanism – we don’t really care (so long as the Profile gathers the data and passes it to the correct Puppet class).

The PROBLEM here is debugging WHERE the data came from. As I said previously, Hiera has a level for all bits of data common to your organization, and, obviously, data overridden at a higher level takes precedence over the ‘common’ level at the bottom. With Hiera, unless you run the hiera binary in debug mode (-d), you can never be completely sure where the data came from. Puppet has no way of dumping out every variable and where it came from (whether Hiera or set directly in the DSL, and, if it WAS Hiera, exactly what level or file it came from).

It is THIS REASON that causes me to eschew things like data bindings in Puppet. Debugging where a value came from can be a real pain in the ass. If there were amazing tooling around this, I would 100% support using data bindings and just setting everything inside Hiera and using the include() function, but, alas, that’s not been my experience. Until then, I will continue to recommend explicit hiera calls for visibility into when Hiera is being called and when values are being set inside the DSL.

Enter the data into the Profile

One of the first choices people make is to enter the data (like ntpserver address, java version, or whatever it is) directly into the Profile. “BUT GARY! IT’S GOING TO MAKE IT HARD TO DEBUG!” Not really. You’re going to have to open the Profile anyway to see what’s going on (whether you pull the data from Hiera or hardcode it in the Profile), right? And, arguably, the Profile is legible…doing Hiera lookups gives you flexibility at a cost of abstracting away how it got that bit of data (i.e. “It used Hiera”). For newer users of Puppet, having the data in the Profile is easier to follow. So, in the end, putting the data into the Profile itself is the least-flexible and most-visible option…so consequently people consider it as the first available option. This option is good for common/default values, BUT, if you eventually want to use Hiera, you need to re-enter the data into the common level of Hiera. It also splits up your “source of truth” to include BOTH the Profile manifest and Hiera. In the end, you need to weigh your team’s goals, who has access to the Hiera repo, and how flexible you need to be with your data.


  • Data is clearly visible and legible in the profile (no need to open additional files)


  • Inability to redefine variables in Puppet DSL makes any settings constants by default (i.e. no overriding permitted)
  • Data outside of Hiera creates a second “source of truth”

Enter the data into Hiera

If you find that you need to have different bits of data for different nodes (i.e. a different version of Java in the dev tier instead of the prod tier), then you can look to put the data into Hiera. Where to put the data is going to depend on your own needs – I’m trusting that you can figure this part out – but the bigger piece here is that once the data is in Hiera you need to ensure you’re getting the RIGHT data (i.e. if it’s overridden at a higher level, you are certain you entered it into the right file and didn’t typo anything).

This answers that “where” question, but doesn’t answer the “what” question…as in “What data should I put into Hiera?” For that, we have another section…


  • Flexibility in returning different values based on different conditions
  • All the data is inside one ‘source of truth’ for data according to your organization


  • Visibility – you must do a Hiera lookup to find the value (or open Hiera’s YAML files)

“What exactly goes into Hiera?”

If there were one question that, if answered incorrectly, could make or break your Puppet deployment, this would be it. The greatest strength and weakness of Hiera is its flexibility. You can truly put almost anything in Hiera, and, when combined with something like the create_resources() function, you can create your own YAML configuration language (tip: don’t actually do this).

“But, seriously, what should go into Hiera, and what shouldn’t?”

The important thing to consider here is the price you pay by putting data into Hiera. You’re gaining flexibility at a cost of visibility. This means that you can do things like enter values at all level of the hierarchy that can be concatenated together with a single hiera_array() call, BUT, you’re losing the visibility of having the data right in front of you (i.e. you need to open up all the YAML files individually, or use the hiera binary to debug how you got those values). Hiera is REALLY COOL until you have to debug why it grabbed (or DIDN’T grab) a particular value.

Here’s what I usually tell people about what should be put into Hiera:

  • The exact data values that need to be different conditionally (i.e. a different ntp server for different sites, different java versions in dev/prod, a password hash, etc.)
  • Dynamic data expressed in multiple levels of the hierarchy (i.e. a lookup for ‘packages’ that returns back an array of all the values that were found in all the levels of the hierarchy)

Puppet manifest vs. create_resources()

Bullets 1 and 2 above should be pretty straightforward – you either need to use Hiera to grab a specific value or return back a list of ALL the values from ALL the levels of the hierarchy. The point here is that Hiera should be returning back only the minimal amount of data that is necessary (i.e. instead of returning back a hash that contains the title of the resource, all the attributes of the resource, and all the attribute values for that resource, just return back a specific value that will be assigned to an attribute…like the password hash itself for a user). This data lookup appears to be “magic” to new users of Puppet – all they see is the magic phrase of “hiera” and a parameter to search for – and so it becomes slightly confusing. It IS, however, easier to understand that this magical phrase will return data, and that that data is going to be used to set the value for an attribute. Consider this example:

$password = hiera('garypassword')

user { 'gary':
  ensure   => present,
  uid      => '5001',
  gid      => 'gary',
  shell    => 'zsh',
  password => $password,

This leads us to bullet 3, which is “the Hiera + create_resources() solution.” This solution allows you to lookup data from within Hiera and pass it directly to a function where Puppet creates the individual resources as if you had typed them into a Puppet manifest itself. The previous example can be entered into a Hiera YAML file like so:

    ensure: 'present'
    uid: '5001'
    gid: 'gary'
    shell: 'zsh'
    password: 'biglongpasswordhash'

And then a resource can be created inside the Puppet DSL by doing the following:

$users = hiera('users')

Both examples are functionally identical, except the first one only uses Hiera to get the password hash value, whereas the second one grabs both the attributes, and their values, for a specific resource. Imagine Puppet gives you an error with the ‘gary’ user resource and you were using the latter example. You grep your Puppet code looking for ‘gary’, but you won’t find that user resource in your Puppet manifest anywhere (because it’s being created with the create_resources() function). You will instead have to know to go into Hiera’s data directory, then the correct datafile, and then look for the hash of values for the ‘gary’ user.

Functional differences between the two approaches

Functionally, you COULD do this either way. When you come up with a solution using create_resources(), I challenge you to draw up another solution using Puppet code in a Puppet manifest (however lengthy it may be) that queries Hiera for ONLY the specific values necessary. Consider this example, but, instead, you need to manage 500 users. If you use create_resources(), you would then need to add 500 more blocks to the ‘users’ parameter in your Hiera datafiles. That’s a lot of YAML. And on what level will you add these blocks? prod.yaml? dev.yaml? Are you using a common.yaml? Your YAML files suddenly got huge, and the rest of your team modifying them will not be so happy to scroll through 500 entries. Now consider the first example using Puppet code. Your Puppet manifest suddenly grew, but it didn’t affect all the OTHER manifests out there: only this file. The Hiera YAML files will still grow – but now 500 individual lines instead of 3000 lines in the previous example. Okay, now which one is more LEGIBLE? I would argue that the Puppet manifest is more legible, because I consider the Puppet DSL to be very legible (again, subject to debate versus YAML). Moreover, when debugging, you can stay inside Puppet files more often using Puppet manifests to define your resources. Using create_resources, you need to jump into Hiera more often. That’s a context shift, which adds more annoyance to debugging. Also, it creates multiple “sources of truth.” Suddenly you have the ability of entering data in Hiera as well as entering it in the Puppet manifest, which may be clear to YOU, but if you leave the company, or you get another person on your team, they may choose to abuse the Hiera settings without knowing why.

Now consider an example that you might say is more tailored to create_resources(). Say you have a defined type that sets up tomcat applications. This defined type accepts things like a path to install the application, the application’s package name, the version, which tomcat installation to target, and etc. Now consider that all application servers need application1, but only a couple of servers need application2, and a very snowflake server needs application3 (in this case, we’re NOT saying that all applications are on all boxes and that their data, like the version they’re using, is different. We’re actually saying that different machines require entirely different applications).

Using Hiera + create_resources() you could enter the resource for the application1 at a low level, then, at a higher level, add the resource for application2, and finally add the resource for application3 at the node-specific level. In the end, you can do a hiera_hash() lookup to discover and concatenate all resources from all levels of the hierarchy and pipe that to create_resources.

How would you do this with Puppet code? Well, I would create profiles for every application, and either different roles for the different kinds of servers (i.e. the snowflake machine gets its own role), or conditional checks inside the role (i.e. if this node is at the London location, it gets these application profiles, and etc…).

Now which is more legible? At this point, I’d still say that separate profiles and conditional checks in roles (or sub-roles) are more legible – including a class is a logical thing to follow, and conditionals inside Puppet code are easy to follow. The create_resources() solution just becomes magic. Suddenly, applications are on the node. If you want to know where they came from, you have to switch contexts and open Hiera data files or use the hiera binary and do a debug run. If you’re a small team that’s been using Puppet forever, then rock on and go for it. If you’re just getting started, though, I’d shy away.

Final word on create_resources?

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I'll use create_resources()."
Now they have two problems.

The create_resources() function is often called the “PSE Swiss Army knife” (or, Professional Services Engineer – the people who do what I do and consult with our customers) because we like to break it out when we’re painted into a corner by customer requirements. It will work ANYWHERE, but, again, at that cost of visibility. I am okay with someone using it so long as they understand the cost of visibility and the potential debugging issues they’ll hit. I will always argue against using it, however, for those reasons. More code in a Puppet manifest is not a bad thing…especially if it’s reasonably legible code that can be kept to a specific class. Consider the needs and experience level of your team before using create_resources() – if you don’t have a good reason for using it, simply don’t.



  • Dynamically iterate and create resources based on Hiera data
  • Using Hiera’s hash merging capability, you can functionally override resource values at higher levels of the hierarchy


  • Decreased visibility
  • Becomes a second ‘source of truth’ to Puppet
  • Can increase confusion about WHERE to manage resources
  • When used too much, it creates a DSL to Puppet’s DSL (DSLs all the way down)

Puppet DSL + single Hiera lookup


  • More visible (sans the bit of data you’re looking up)
  • Using wrapper classes allows for flexibility and conditional inclusion of resources/classes


  • Very explicit – doesn’t have the dynamic overriding capability like Hiera does

Using Hiera as an ENC

One of the early “NEAT!” moments everyone has with Hiera is using it as an External Node Classifier, or ENC. There is a function called hiera_include() that allows you to include classes into the catalog as if you were to write “include (classname)” in a Puppet manifest. It works like this:

  - profiles::london::base
  - profiles::london::network
  - profiles::tomcat::application2
node default {

Given the above example, the hiera_include() function will search every level of the hierarchy looking for a parameter called ‘classes’. It returns a concatenated list of classnames, which it then passes to Puppet’s include() function (in the end, Puppet will declare the profiles::london::base, profiles::london::network, and profiles::tomcat::application2 classes). Puppet puts the contents of these classes into the catalog, and away we go. This is awesome because you can change the classification of a node conditionally according to a Hiera lookup, and it’s terrible because you can CHANGE THE CLASSIFICATION OF A NODE CONDITIONALLY ACCORDING TO A HIERA LOOKUP! This means that anyone with access to the repo holding your Hiera data files can affect changes to every node in Puppet just by modifying a magical key. It also means that in order to see the classification for a node, you need to do a Hiera lookup (i.e. you can’t just open a file and see it).

Remember that WHOLE blog post about Roles and Profiles? I do, because I wrote the damn thing. You can even go back and read it again, too, if you want to. One of the core tenets of that article was that each node get classified with a single role. If you adhere to that (and you should; it makes for a much more logical Puppet deployment), a node really only ever needs to be classified ONCE. You don’t NEED this conditional classification behavior. It’s one of those “It seemed like a good idea at the time” moments that I assure you will pass.

Now, you CAN use Roles with hiera_include() – simply create a Facter fact that returns the node’s role, add a level to the Hiera hierarchy for this role fact, and in the role’s YAML file in Hiera, simply do:

classes: role::application_server

Then you can use the same hiera_include() call in the default node definition in site.pp. The ONLY time I recommend this is if you don’t already have some other classification method. The downside of this method is that if your role fact CHANGES, for some reason or another, classification immediately changes. Facts are NOT secure – they can be overridden really easily. I don’t like to leave classification to an insecure method that anyone with root access on a machine can change. Using an ENC or site.pp for classification means that the node ABSOLUTELY CANNOT override its classification. It’s the difference between being authoritative and simply ‘suggesting’ a classification.


  • Dynamic classification: no need to maintain a site.pp file or group in the Console
  • Fact-based: a node’s classification can change immediately when its role fact does


  • Decreased visibility: need to do a Hiera lookup to determine classification
  • Insecure: since facts are insecure and can be overridden, so can classification
